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Medical acupuncture is a therapeutic technique that involves inserting fine needles into certain points across the body, to encourage healing and pain relief.

Also referred to as ‘western acupuncture’, the practice differs from the ancient Chinese practice it derives from. While still using needles to stimulate the body’s natural healing abilities, it doesn’t adhere to the concepts of Qi or yin/yang, as followed in Chinese acupuncture.


Medical Acupuncture
Battlefield Acupuncture

Medical acupuncture, sometimes referred to as western medical acupuncture, uses anatomy and physiology and is based very much on relieving pain and muscle tensions.

What can it help with?

  • chronic pain, such as neck pain
  • joint pain
  • dental pain
  • postoperative pain

How does it work?

Needling specific body parts is thought to stimulate sensory nerves under the skin and in the muscles of the body. This results in the body producing natural substances, such as pain-relieving endorphins. It is thought that these naturally released substances are responsible for the beneficial effects experienced with acupuncture.


Battlefield Acupuncture is an effective microsystem approach to rapid pain relief. It is effective in the treatment of both long-term and recent onset pain – whether it’s back pain, head pain, dental pain or pain from varicose veins. Battlefield Acupuncture works for all types of pain.


The technique was originally developed to treat pain in American Air Force pilots. As they were unable to take medication for their aches and pains, they were often forced to suffer or stop flying. That is until Dr Niemtzow developed this ear acupuncture technique.

It has proved so effective in the relief of pain that many soldiers across the american forces have been trained in battlefield acupuncture so that they might treat each other if injured in action.


The needles are specially developed tiny gold plated ear needles which are sterile and individually packaged. They are applied to specific areas around the ear, depending on the grade and source of the client's pain, and they remain in situ for 3 to 5 days.  Clients can remove the needles themselves, and can return to us a couple of weeks later for further treatment, if necessary.


Research carried out in Korea using MRI scans, has shown a reduction in the size of the active pain receptor areas in the brain, after the insertion of the needles. So it would appear that these ear points have the ability to block pain reception and over time maintain this reduction in size of pain reception areas in the brain. This corresponds with reported reductions in pain.


Auriculotherapy can provide relief from allergies, migraines, PTSD, dental pain, chronic fatigue syndrome, weight management, addiction management, asthma, blood pressure abnormalities, gastrointestinal and IBS issues, fertility and GU issues, amongst others.


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